Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pet Peeve: Pencils - Pens - Prepared!

This is a little bit of a dog trail perhaps, but I believe it is very important and it foretells what may be the result of hiring a particular individual for a customer service type job.

The customer service or lack there of, that is often experienced may be traced back to the hiring methods used by the company, if they use any method at all.  Such as, what do they look for in a new hire, do they consider first impressions like, is the applicant prepared to fill out an application or respond to an interview?

When I was in management and did hiring and interviewing of new applicants, the first thing I took note of was...did they come with a pencil or pen to fill out an application?  If not, strike one. The second thing was did they have a listing of previous job positions, and any other pertinent information they might need to fill out the application. To me, these simple acts of being prepared to enter into a new position, a new company, speak volumes as to what kind of productivity they will have, or how detail oriented that applicant is going to be.

If there is one recommendation I could give students, or anyone who might be going to apply for a new job, unless you are e-filing an application, bring a pen or pencil, bring your job history (if you have one), and any other information you will need to fill out the application.  Being prepared, could mean the difference of being hired....or not.

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